Monday, December 31, 2012

The year I fell in love

The End

Sometime in August I found myself sinking into another cycle of self hate and tears.

This time it was different. This time I knew I had enough and wanted to change and choose a happy life.

Up until this year, I thought life was about suffering, that a moment of happiness is followed by a moment of misery. I had also decided I was not capable of being happy.

After a complicated relationship and a tough breakup, I found myself on my own with my fears. Friends and family helped me but it was not what was going to get me out of this misery. I was left with myself. For the first time I faced my fears.

And what I found was a shivering adorable little curly hair girl, crying in the corner. That little girl was me. All she wanted was a big hug and for me to forgive her for all what she's done wrong.

And I did, I am, and I will forgive her everyday, give her a big hug everyday and take care of her as my little child.


If I did not love her I can't truly love others, I can't forgive others, I can't achieve the Immense dreams I have, I can't maintain healthy relationships, and most important I can't be happy.


Three ways to self-love I learnt:

1- Forgiveness: every day I write down something or someone including yours truly,  I forgive.
2- Compassion: realizing that its never about me, I started questioning whenever I judge someone reminding myself we all have a story, a reason. I use my meditation practice to cultivate compassion. (More on this in my next blogpost).
3- Gratitude: every day I write down three things I am grateful for. I even started doing gratitude circles with my friends, a practice I learnt at one of the retreats I went to.

My self-love journey has just started, and I am looking forward to the many ways to enrich it, develop it and maintain it. This includes, wellness retreats, reading, travel, reflection, creation and most importantly surrounding myself with inspiring people.

Now it's your turn. Are you in love with yourself? Here is a simple challenge: 

Every day for 30 seconds, take a look at the kid inside of you: make sure she is warm, smiling and most importantly loved.


  1. love this!!!! great inspirtaional story to start my new year with! love u!!! xx

  2. Koussa means a lot! you have been an inspiration to me as well, with your positiveness and how you turn challenges into opportunities. <3
